Aaravee Dheki Tea

Aaravee Dheki Tea

  • Traditional Tea from Tinsukia region, Assam
  • Single Origin
  • Naturally organic
Signature tea of Aaravee. With a low acidity level, this tea is a fine substitute for CTC tea. Drink it with milk or enjoy it plain.
Customer Ratings:

Health Benefits :

  • Anti-viral
  • Good for Overall Health
  • Low-calorie
  • Prevent Heart disease
  • Anti-microbial

Price : ₹ 78.00
Availability : in stock

This tea is a depiction of our traditions with a modern appearance. It has a flowery aroma. People who tasted my Dheki tea stated it didn't make them feel acidic, whether they drank it plain or with milk. They were able to consume around 4-5 cups of milk Dheki tea. When people drink non-organic milk tea, they get acidity, which I believe is caused by chemicals. If preferred, you can drink it plain or with a dash of milk. Because of its minimal acidity, it is an ideal replacement for CTC tea. While brewing Dheki tea, you could make a good cup of quality tea with fewer leaves and you won’t experience any acidity. The colour is natural reddish, and the aroma and flavour is amazing.

Dheki tea is a type of traditional tea on our platform. The term "Dheki" refers to a traditional rice-pounding tool of Assam used in the Dheki tea manufacturing process to pound the tea leaves. You can brew this tea in 3 ways, steeping, boiling, and straining. It can be brewed with milk or prepared as iced tea. It can be an ideal substitute for CTC tea. The origin of Dheki tea is still uncertain. But as heard from the elders, we came to know that the history of Dheki tea goes back to the time of commercial tea plantations. During that time, the villagers prepared Dheki tea for personal consumption from tea leaves harvested from tea trees in the surrounding vicinity or grown in their yard, which was eventually banned owing to pressure from the then-authorities under the colonial era.

The revival of Dheki tea in the present time by our handmade tea artisans brought with it fresh innovation in the manufacturing process of Dheki tea, which helped recreate the flavor profile of this long-forgotten tea drinking tradition.

  • This product is amazing, you must try it.

    Raju Mahanta